cold cuts

[ˈkəʊld kʌts]
  • 释义
  • 冷盘;

  • 双语例句
  • 1、

    An ideal combination would be . Grilled meat ( barbecue ) or selected cold cuts.


  • 2、

    Generally smaller amount of cold cuts, smoked dishes are silver carp, oysters, or bread.

    一般是份量较小的冷盘, 菜式主要有熏鲢鱼 、 生蚝或面包.

  • 3、

    Someone brought cold cuts, dark bread, and beer from the jeep.

    有人把吉普车上的冻肉, 黑面包和啤酒送上来.

  • 4、

    Outside is very cold, cuts off the hat.

    外面很冷, 截止帽子吧.

  • 5、

    We will no longer be serving complimentary cold cuts and soda on and Soda Day.

